Friday, September 26, 2008

Back in the US of A

I knew I was back in the States when:

I asked a flight attendant to help me put my carry-on luggage in the overhead compartment. The attendant remarked, "You are too little. Are you still growing? I hope so!"

I was on campus waiting in line to get some food. The guy behind me inquired, "I don't mean to be rude, but can I ask you a question? How tall are you?"

Yes, I am officially back from Lilliput and in the land of giants, where I can get a handicapped driver's license in Jersey because I am under 5 feet tall. Hooray!

Actually, that last part isn't true, unfortunately.

Overheard while waiting for the bus in la la land...

"Yea, I got drunk with my mom that time...when she made me drink with her and that other time when I was naked with my friends."

More on La La Land to come...